Avatar: The Way of Water third highest-grossing movie in history obviously sucks now t

April 2024 · 3 minute read

The movie industry is a largely unpredictable beast, but one thing you can bank on is widely popular and commercially successful blockbuster being trashed as an overrated mess from the second you don’t have to take a trip to the theater in order to check it out. As if we needed any more examples, Avatar: The Way of Water has returned to the forefront of the cultural conversation with a bang.

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We saw the exact same thing happen not too long ago when Black Panther: Wakanda Forever debuted on Disney Plus, with the Academy Award-winning Marvel Cinematic Universe sequel landing straight in the firing line from the very day it emerged on streaming. Of course, much like its predecessor, James Cameron’s The Way of Water was destined to suffer the same fate.

I think there are many criticisms to be made about my interests, however I don’t think Top Gun Maverick and Avatar: the way of water are good examples for this argument. Because they suck

— Tommy (@thescarlet_din) March 28, 2023

I agree, it's too bad they don't get more recognition though, like I'm sure if somebody like James Cameron was involved this trilogy would be talked about more and that pretty much goes to show you how overrated the Avatar series is, at least from my perspective

— The Silver Surfer (@NorrinRidder) March 28, 2023

Nahhh I will just go ahead and say it. This Avatar 2 is not bad but has literally no wow factor. Can't be believe we waited for 14 years for a sequel and this is what we got.
The story line is not even mindblowing. James Cameron is just doing the most now.

— Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō (@agyasika) March 28, 2023

Tf is RRR lmfao 😂 Avatar 2 mid. Named one big name good movie but yes Marvel sucks https://t.co/bjtGYRE2wF

— Spurs Legacy (@spurs_four) March 28, 2023

Avatar 2 is so mid https://t.co/HYn3OvvUy7

— Prequel Stan🥵 (Trop Truther) (@SWprequelstan) March 27, 2023

Never mind the fact that an eye-watering total of $2.3 billion at the box office makes it the third highest-grossing release in the history of cinema – indicating that there’s an awful lot of people out there who caught it on the big screen more than once – the floodgates of criticism have now been opened, just as we all expected they would.

To offer a minor shred of defense, The Way of Water isn’t going to play anywhere near as well on a TV as it does in its preferred format of IMAX 3D, and we’re not even going to acknowledge anyone who dares defy the laws of nature to see it for the first time on a cellphone. Big budget fantasies come, they conquer, and then they get burned to the ground at a later date; such is the way of the world.
