D&D 5E - Healing spirit has been updated? | Page 2

April 2024 · 1 minute read
I always thought Magic Sprinkler of Healing was fun to watch in play. Like kids running through a portable sprinkler attached to a hose, it is amusing to watch the party run through the Healing Spirit..when Hit Point loss get them too hot. The Druid can even, move the hose.

Ahh the 1970’s and Stagflation, good times. 😀

The fact you can cast it with a shake of your nose, and a magic word as a Bonus Action is what always struck me as being one toque over the line.

It would be an awesome spell, pre-errata, as a “cast as an action” spell. The Bonus Action cast economy is what engenders the “Ahh Come On” disbelief response in me.
