Screen Peeking | WrestleZone Forums

March 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Nope, wrong. Modern Warfare is a VIDEO GAME. Games are not meant to be real. The whole point of video games is a fun escape from reality into a world that does not exist, no matter how real its inspirations were. Screen peeking is a way to win at a game, and last time I checked, when you play a game you want to win. It's not cheating because if it were, it would be posted in the manual/guide or official website as such. Does it say so anywhere? Bingo. It's not cheating and does not ruin the game unless someone is bothered enough by it to complain, when they could just practice at the game until they are awesome enough to defeat any screen peeker. Now there's a great game player, someone who can defeat screen peekers without screen peeking themselves!
